Stop the Whining

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, May 15, 2012. Today is Straw Hat Day. So wear a straw hat, if you have one. And while you’re wearing it, thank a police officer, because it’s also Police Officer’s Memorial Day. It on this date in 1896 that a tornado struck Sherman, Texas, killing 73 people, some entire families. There were homes that were completely razed. A trunk lid from a car was found 35 miles away. And it was on this date in 1975 that Nolan Ryan pitched his first no-hitter as a California Angel. He would go on to throw an unprecedented seven no-hitters in his career. The closest to him is Sandy Koufax, with four. It was also on this day in 1972 that presidential candidate and Alabama Governor George Wallace was shot.

We finally got back to the gym to work out last night. This morning, I am at 300.6 pounds, 60.4 lost since January 15. As you can see, I am eagerly anticipating a milestone, which I fully expect to have passed by my “official” weigh-in day, which is Sunday.

I continue to pray for something to give in Christi’s situation. I need prayer, too, because I’m struggling with being angry at God, and that’s NOT a good place to be. Not at all. I know he’s in control, and I know he’s working things out. I also know that there are lessons to be learned and that he does things in his own timing. Considering that a day to the Lord is like a thousand years, that has me just a bit concerned. But…you know…she’s got a job, and she’s getting a paycheck. But she’s also losing her mind.

Father, I pray for some wisdom this morning as I search your words. I pray for inspiration to live this day looking to the risen and ascended Christ.

My Utmost For His Highest

… that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you… Ephesians 1:18

For what am I saved? “…that the Son of God might be manifested in [my] mortal flesh.” “Bend the whole energy of your powers to realize your election as a child of God; rise to the occasion every time.”
While I may not be able to do anything to obtain my salvation, I certainly must do something to manifest it. I must “work out what God has worked in.” Hang onto your toes… “If you are still the same miserable crosspatch, set on your own way, then it is a lie to say that God has saved and sanctified you.” OUCH!! Wait. What’s a “crosspatch?” I had to look it up. “A peevish, irascible person; a grouch.” Oh, dear. “Irascible–Prone to outbursts of temper; easily angered.” OH, DEAR!

I’m not liking this reading. But it goes on…

“God is the Master Engineer, He allows the difficulties to come in order to see if you can vault over them properly. … Rise to the occasion; do the thing. It does not matter how it hurts as long as it gives God the chance to manifest Himself in your mortal flesh.” As you can see, I’m not even trying to paraphrase this.
“May God not find the whine in us any more, but may He find us full of spiritual pluck and athleticism, ready to face anything He brings.” The aim of life, the sole aim of life, according to Chambers, is to manifest the Son of God in my mortal flesh. I am here to submit to his will so that he can accomplish anything he wants through me.

I feel like I’ve been run through a paper shredder. Everything that I have been feeling in the past few days is wrong. While it may not be wrong to want Christi out of the place where she is currently working, the way it has been manifesting itself through me is wrong. And the tension it has been producing in our family is noticeable, too. We are all a little bit “irascible,” of late. But what I said before needs to be emphasized and I need to be living like I believe it. God is in control! No matter how bad the situation seems, God is in it. Therefore, I need to stop whining and be “full of spiritual pluck.” Right this minute, I’m almost ashamed of how I have responded to this trial. I’ve got to work this out.

Tabletalk Magazine

For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works. Titus 2:11-14

We have confidence and hope, knowing that our Savior will return again for us. To some, this sounds like a science fiction or fantasy story. I realize that. But, as I have stated before, I will gladly be considered a fool for the sake of Christ. This hope allows us to wait for him and be confident, even in distress and persecution. I’ll be honest here…I’ve received very little persecution for my belief in Jesus. In fact, I think it safe to say that I, personally, have received none at all. Oh, sure, I’ve taken offense at something that was said in some media somewhere, but that wasn’t directed at me, personally. However, there may come a day when I do suffer in some way for my beliefs. The rewards that will be received at his return far outweigh any suffering we might experience in this life.
This waiting, though, is not passive. “…it involves the active renunciation of ungodliness and the passionate pursuit of godliness.” I have to renounce sin and trust in Christ. Not just once! Some people think that this is a one-time deal. It is a lifelong process. We never stop renouncing and trusting! I am not just sitting around, waiting for Jesus to snatch me up, to “rapture” me. (I’m still not convinced that’s going to come down the way a lot of people think it is.) I need to live as a disciple of Christ, waiting patiently but actively. I need to serve him in whatever vocation I might find myself.

Today’s Bible Readings

John 7; Psalm 17; 2 Samuel 22

Jesus said something very important about his own ministry in John 7. In verse 18, he said, The one who speaks on his own authority seeks his own glory; but the one who seeks the glory of him who sent him is true, and in him there is no falsehood. This is something we should take to heart. We do not seek our own glory, but the glory of God. Jesus did not speak on his own authority, but on the authority of the Father. We must do the same. We have no authority but that which is given us by Christ. For the remainder of chapter 7, there is great division among the people and leaders as they debate who or what this Jesus truly is.

In Psalm 17, I find these words: I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God; incline your ear to me; hear my words. Wondrously show your steadfast love, O Savior of those who seek refuge from their adversaries at your right hand. Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings, from the wicked who do me violence, my deadly enemies who surround me.
The Lord will, indeed answer us. He will show his steadfast love to us, as we seek refuge in him. While I may not have any “deadly enemies,” I certainly have circumstances and people in my life that cause me stress, that create tension, and that tempt this “irascible” nature to come out. I will constantly pray that God hide me in the shadow of his wings, and I will seek refuge from my adversaries. He is my hiding place.

2 Samuel 22 is almost a verbatim copy of Psalm 18, which I will read tomorrow. The reason for this is that it is David’s song of deliverance, sung to the Lord. It was, no doubt, later decided to include that song in the psalter.

Father, I cry out to you this morning. You are my refuge and my fortress! In you I find ultimate hope. In you I find security. In you I find peace. I confess, Lord! I confess my sinful attitudes and expressions. I pray that you will change my heart. Give me this “spiritual pluck” that Chambers is talking about. Stop my whining! Yes, Christi is in a difficult situation. Yes, we would love for her to be removed from it. But, until you choose to do so, we must approach it with the attitude that it is a trial that we are to overcome! We must not let it overcome us! I pray for her spiritual strength today and the rest of this week. Give her grace for this day, Father, grace to get through it as an overcomer. Let her not bow down in defeat. Give her the strength to do whatever it takes to show herself strong. And if it takes 12 hours, let us endure that with the patience that you have provided.
The main purpose of my life is to manifest your glory. This jar of clay in which I walk around is there to show your glory to a world that is lacking glory. And this jar of clay is also there to show how imperfect we are, so that we don’t go getting arrogant about possessing something which we truly do not possess.
I have no authority, Lord. You are my authority.
I possess no strength. You are my strength.
I own no righteousness. You are my righteousness.
I have nothing good, and I am not good. You are good. You are the only good.
I give praise, honor, and glory to your name, this morning. Let that transform my day, Father. Let this day be a shining beacon of your glory and of our strength in Christ.

I feel like a grape that’s been trampled to produce sweet wine. But the good thing is that it does produce sweet wine. God is good.

Grace and peace, friends.

5 thoughts on “Stop the Whining

  1. Morning Jeff
    Yes, I’ve had a few of those grape-crushing days too
    Stressful time or “On the Anvil” (Max Lucado’s book) times are the worst
    yet God brings them into our lives
    Whether its your struggle or the struggles of our loved ones we ache when we are hurting or our loved ones are hurting (sometimes I think its worse to see our loved ones going through tough times)
    The Good News through all of this is (excuse my soap box moment) –
    I have found right after I have gone through the refining moments of God’s Mighty Hand that I have a break-through – His ways are Unfathomable and our eyes cannot see what He sees
    You were right when you prayed this: Father, I cry out to you this morning. You are my refuge and my fortress! In you I find ultimate hope. In you I find security. In you I find peace.
    Unfortunately, Christi will have to find her peace in situation with God’s Grace – she can take refuge in His Ultimate Plan trusting He will guide her and direct her into her next step
    even when it stinks to be “where ever” we don’t want to be
    Praying the prayer of protection every day before she leaves may help
    I will keep her in my prayers for God’s Will in her life
    God Bless
    ps: hope I’m not sounding like I am telling Christi or you what to do – sometimes words come out the wrong way – praying for Christi’s peace-filled moments

    1. You certainly did not sound like you were telling us what to do. We appreciate your comments so much. And your prayers. God bless you!

  2. If you feel angry with God, then at least you still have a relationship with Him. The anger just means you are unhappy with the way things are going, or perhaps lack confidence or foresight that everything will work out for the good. I can say that only because I have been there. Regarding the job situation–I have been there, too. In fact, all my life. There are both practical and spiritual ways to cope with job stress. We all need that paycheck but, in extreme situations, sometimes life tries to point us in a different direction which we would not otherwise have considered.

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