Don’t Fret

Good morning. It’s July 4, 2012. We have the day off today, as it’s a holiday in the U.S. This particular July Fourth is tainted by the loss, yesterday, of an actor/singer/entertainer that was one of the last of a dying breed. R.I.P., Andy Griffith. Your legacy will live on.

(Some of these illustrations seem to have come from MAD Magazine)

Of course, today is “Independence Day.” But did you know that today is also “Sidewalk Egg Frying Day?” So says the Hallmark Ultimate Holiday app. I’ve never tried that, myself, although I’m sure it has been hot enough a time or two.

It was on this date in 1776 that the United States declared independence from Great Britain. On this date in 1826, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died. On this date in 1927, playwright Neil Simon was born. On this date in 1855, Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass was published. Reported by a different source, it is also on this date in 1845 that Henry David Thoreau moved to walden Pond in Concord, MA.

I’ve been there. At that time of my life, it was the most beautiful nature scene I had ever seen. It’s still right up there.

Christi is feeling much better. Thanks for the prayers. We are looking forward to enjoying this day with Stephanie, Rachel, and Justin. We’re planning to cook out later, sirloin steaks, corn on the cob, asparagus with mushrooms, onions, and garlic; all cooked on the grill. You wrap pour olive oil on the asparagus, onions, mushrooms and fresh garlic, wrap it in foil, then grill it. Delicious! After that, we will have our choice of strawberries with angel cake and cool whip, mini-cupcakes that Christi brought home from work yesterday, or whatever else happens to be around. Good times.

Father, I pray for some inspiration today to keep me focused on you for this day. Grace for today only, is all I seek.

Today, I’m reading Psalm 34. This Psalm is full of great verses, offering hope to those who seek refuge in the Lord. It gives promise of deliverance to all who fall into trouble. As previously noted, the Lord never promises that we will not have trouble. However, he does promise to deliver us from trouble.
This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him and saved him out of all his troubles
The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.

My favorite verse in Psalm 34 is verse 8. Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! I challenge anyone who does not believe in the goodness of the Lord to “taste and see.”

My Utmost For His Highest

Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil. Psalm 37:8

“Fretting means getting out at elbows mentally or spiritually.” What?? For the life of me, I can’t find anything telling me what that means. The closest thing seemed to indicate a state where the shirt sleeves were so worn that the elbows were showing. I guess if we are fretting that much about something, then that condition would apply.
Of course, it is always easy to say things like, “Rest in the Lord,” or, “Fret not.” But then something happens. Something upsets the proverbial apple cart, and our lives get all topsy-turvy. We are suddenly thrown into tumult, and all we can seem to do is fret. I’ve been there. My apple cart has been shattered before. I’ve stood in my living room and declared that God had abandoned us. Praise his name, it was not true…I was wrong, so very wrong, and confessed the sinfulness of even thinking a thing like that. I tell you three times…God never abandons his children!
Somehow, I have to get myself into a state where I am not even able to fret. “Fret not” is one of “God’s great don’ts.” “This ‘don’t’ must work in days of perplexity as well as in days of peace, or it will never work.” Here is an important statement: “Resting in the Lord does not depend on external circumstances at all, but on your relationship to God Himself.” So, you see, when I was thinking that God had abandoned me, my relationship was a bit shoddy, wasn’t it? If my relationship to God is solid, I will find that I am not able to fret over anything.
“Fussing always ends in sin.” Yes. Anxiety and worry are indications of how wicked we truly are. “Fretting springs from a determination to get our own way.” Jesus never fretted over anything, because he was not here to get his own way. He was out to get his Father’s way. Here is another important statement: “Fretting is wicked if you are a child of God.” Yes. Worry is always sinful! Always!! If we are truly resting in God and dwelling in his shadow, we can live our lives without fretting. There’s the challenge, isn’t it? “All our fret and worry is caused by calculating without God.” And that phrase segues perfectly into tomorrow’s reading.

Father, I confess that my mind has been scattered this morning while I’ve been reading these things. But, nevertheless, you have reinforced in me the need to stop worrying about things. Why do we worry so much? It seems to be a curse of the human nature. Everyone I know worries about something. We just can’t seem to help it. Yet you tell us not to. I pray that you will so fill my spirit in the days ahead that I will find it utterly impossible to fret. May I be so immersed in your Spirit that there is no room for anxiety. I have no desire to be wicked, Father. Yet I find wickedness in me daily. The flesh battles against the spirit every day, and this will be the case until we are brought home with you. Therefore, I pray for the help of the Spirit to be prepared for the battle each day, having put on the “armor of God” each and every day.

I thank you for your very great and precious promises, Lord. Especially the ones that I find in places like Psalm 34. Yes, there will be troubles. But you promise to bring us through them, out the other side. I believe that there are certainly times that you do protect us from trouble; there have to be, otherwise, we would always be experiencing trouble. But when you do allow trials to come into our lives, we simply must rely on you to deliver us, rather than letting anxiety fill our lives. There is the challenge, and there is my commitment, to do my best to rely on you, trusting you for all things in my life.

I pray for this day, Lord. I pray for safe travel for Rachel and Justin as they make their way to our house today. I pray that we will have a safe and joyful time this afternoon. I pray for safety for all people who travel today, and for the many fireworks displays that will be going on tonight, I pray for safety in those.

I pray for my parents today, too. Give them your grace and peace in whatever they find to do today. I also pray that we will find time to visit with them again, soon.

This morning, as I pray for our church, I pray that you continue to keep our young people safe at camp. I pray that they are experiencing you above all other things that they might experience at this camp. May they find you this week. I pray for those who don’t already know you, that they will be saved. I praise you for the report of Ava getting saved last night. For those who are there who are already in covenant relationship with you, I pray that their knowledge of you will deepen, and their relationships become more solid. May everyone there experience your peace this week.
I also pray for the leadership of our church, beginning with Zach Schroeder, the pastor of our youth. Give him extra grace this week, as he continues with the youth at camp. I praise you for his spirit and passion. This morning, I lift up Becca Bartlett, who is a leader in the children’s ministries. I know that Stephanie sometimes works with her in the preschool area during the worship celebrations. I pray that you give Becca your grace and peace as she serves. I thank you for her heart to work with children and teach them. I pray your blessings on her and her family.
May you give our leadership your clear vision on where our church is to go. I pray that they will follow only you.

I pray that the message of Christ will flourish in our world today.

Your grace is sufficient.

Today’s message is simple. Don’t fret. On the other hand, it’s not so simple, is it?

Grace and peace, friends.